
Our primary service is to provide business and government with a proven way of testing contingency plans without full scale deployment exercises through a specialist scenario based facilitated discussion exercises to test contingency plans of government and business to withstand a critical incident, security crisis or disaster.

We also provide a service to review operational responses to issues or incidents where outcomes may have caused organisational harm which will result in the provision of an evaluation of your plans, procedures and processes.

And finally with Australia being at a High level of alert and the National Terrorism Threat Level for Australia is Probable, no longer can organisations ignore the possibility of armed offenders entering workplace with lethal intentions. A plan is required to mitigate the effects of such extreme behaviours and enhance the safety of the staff. We provide support to such planning which should incorporate a Discussion Exercise to review their effectiveness.

Our service is broken into the following basic framework

Needs and objectives Meeting
Exercise design phase
Executive Briefing of proposal
Facilitated Discussion Exercise
Evaluation phase
Evaluation Report